I want people to puke, laugh, scream, cry, admire, worship me when I walk out of my litlle house in the middle of nowhere full of ugly chavs sporting ugly Lacoste checkered caps and girls (who of course )cannot dress themselves) in shapeless hoodies and ugly embellished jeans
I want them to give me all their money, so they can do all of the above thanks to their money which will make me able to buy this and make them puke, die, laugh, scream and cry.
Okay, I'll stick it to the noticeable thing.
(Anna Sui, F/W 06)
10 commentaires:
My mission in life... except I want people rolling over on the floor, coughing up blood. Like Carrie with a case of boogie fever!
boks, i ripped a hole in my purple tights today
Hi boka, how do you make the orange header on your blog?
i really want that coat... love your blog btw!(spotted you @ thefashionspot).
Making those boring people do all of the in your log mentioned things is a great great great plan! And also very achievable since I'm quite familiar with the belgian people who live in the middle of nowhere. (I assume they are no different than their dutch equivalents) Hell, i could be one of them, only much less boring and with a lot more style, but hey this wasn't about me ;)
I also wanted to say thank you for the nice comments on my blog!
ahaha c'est qu'elle se prend pas pour de la merde la petite bojana hein ! ;)
Non elle a raison ;) !
Si tous les gens qui n'ont aucun sens de la mode et qui regardent de travers ceux qui l'ont pouvaient changer leur jalousie/ignorance en '' bon goût '' et l'acquérir, tout serait bien mieux !
oulala il va faloir que je commence a mettre mon nom y a plus que un anonyme qui parle francais héhé
ok je suis d'ac mais bon qui sait ou est le bon gout ce qui est beau ,...
bon j'arrte on se croirait au cours de francais ou d'histoire avec leur truc objectifs et pas objectifs ralalala
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tres intiresno, merci
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