What inspired me to write this? So, I went to see Atonement while I was in Bruges and I fell in love with, what seems to me, the prettiest dress ever, and I am now developing an obsession with green , even though my infatuation with green dresses started a while ago, first with a shot of an Nylon intern, and then with this gorgeous dress by Stella McCartney (which led to this ) and now I'm seeing green everywhere.
Onto other green stuff (um ,not that green stuff), I'm mad about the Boston Celtics (if you didn't get it, I'm talking NBA). Getting Kevin Garnett in their team was a damn good choice. They are having a stunning season, standing tall as first in the eastern conference, leading by 33 wins and only 7 losses up to now! ( so you may not know this about me yet, but I'm a basketball freak. This spring I'm going to visit NYC with my family and get to attend 2 basketball games!!! (Heat vs Knicks, and then Nets vs Suns! Talk about amazing).
I'm also developing a crush on super hot Micky Green (Green not being her real family name, but chose it as seen green is her favorite color). The girl is absolutely gorgeous, looking more as if she were of Nordic origins than Aussie. Her voice is deep and low, and her music is so appropriate for a calm afternoon doing DYI's on your bedroom floor. (as seen not everyone seems to know her, check her out : http://www.myspace.com/mickygreenmusic "Oh!" is my favorite)
Last but not least, vote green (yes, I am aware that most of us don't even have the legal age yet -whatever). The best way to save the planet is : use your bike! I was amazed in Flanders ; most people there go everywhere by bike, and they have huuuge parkings for bicycles. And really how chic is it? All round girls in heels and beautiful long coats cycling it up. Not convinced yet? This Sartorialist picture is sure to make you change your mind!(Remember)

Green off!
46 commentaires:
I love me green colored clothing!! green is also good to look at - it's healthy for your eyes. or so thats what my doctor says. I hope she wasn't tricking me, I am quite the gullibe person :D
As brunettes seem to look really good with this colour, I am going to give it a try.
BTW, the Atonement dress is stunning.
Wow Keira looks stunning in that dress! I saw Pride&Prejudice yesterday, she looked stunning there as well!
You a basketbal freak? When I was beginning to read that part I thought by myself, is she seriously interested in basketbal!?
Yes, you are. Otherwise you weren't going to NY City! Superrr!
And that chick with the bike is soooo tough! I feel very tough now, using my bike when going to the train station (too bad, not so green..:S)
Good to have you back Bojana!
I love how you connect so many diverse interests in one post... Come to Cleveland and go to a Cavs game with me.
Very cute pic in the sidebar by the way
go BOJANA for championing ECO-NESSSS.
I'm with you on that one girlll.
This Sart photo had me misting up..with sweat that is.
ewww, okay not quite, but the hair, seriously! In fact it would go so well with green actually.
and thanks for your lovely graphics themed graphics, I'm rather proud of my blogs appearance picture-wise at the moment too.
But you know urzz aint bad. seriously, it's all scruffy n shit which you know I love.
PS, hellzz, who is Micky Green? Apart from hot shit..
in a bit lover
That is one of my fave Sart shots of recent times...
That dress on Keira Knightley is so gorgeous! And the Cltics are my favorite basketball team, when I do watch it. This was a really cool post, I liked how you incorporated biking into it.
I love all the green!
I love, love, love green, especially emerald, and against lots of beautiful red hair...
lovely post!
i want green to be the new black, for being the red head i am green is our color lol (haha im convinced every haircolor has a color to go with it lol)! oh and yes i am obsessed with the atonement dress, sigh,
and i am going to have to check out that micky green - i love hearing about new music - thanks!
oh and i love bruges - its so charming :)
i love your posts! also so fun & cohesive. and mickey green is tres fabulous, non? love her
green in my favorite color! love this
This was a nice post.
I've never really worn green for some reason. I cant figure out whether I just havent seen enough cute green clothes or if it just dosent suit me.
Yay for green and yay for cycling! Especially best worn with some bitching patent boots like that lady!
lol. cool. green is a lovely colour:D. nice post!
I am a freak of basketball too!! It was so cool seeing the Celtics there in your post!! I think aswell the Atonement dress is really amazing! Green is a cool colour, especially in the summer when you are tanned.
i'm not usually a fan of green
but this post and the atonement dress has converted me
oh and micky green is gorgeous
i will definitely find some of her music
i cannot wear green at all. I look horrific =]
But going green is way cool.
I like how to top off all the green clothing, there is a girl named Micky Green! haha yay boka rocks
ohhhh j'adore le vert aussi:) et micky green a une voix extraordinaire surtout sur "oh"<3
gros bisous ma toute belle
(adam) green forever!!
that is one of my favorite shot from the sartorialist. i wish i had fiery red hair like hers!! and gosh, the dress on keira is gorgeous! but then she makes anything look gorgeous.
I love the dress Keira Knightley wore in Atonement. Could she look any hotter.
The emerald green gown is so gorgeous!
i have been dying to go see atonement. but i cant seem to get anyone to go with me. from what ive seen, her wardrobe is lovely. so glamourous.
Keira's dress is gorgeous.
And how amazing is that bicycle riding girls hair? I would kill to have hair like that!
I agree! Green IS the ne black.
yey! green's my fav. colour!how i would love it if the whole world owned only bicycles and no one had cars .. except me..
joking :)
I have collected a huge collection of green clothing, without even realising it, so of course I agree. Green items attract me. Thanks for the sweet comment, by the way.
Green looks great on you :) now, you're talking about green clothes i realize i don't have much clothes of that colour :) but i have worn green tights before, i guess they'll do ok for winter (in july over here).
Uh and Micky Green is gorgeous indeed,
i love all of the green clothes, it's one of my favorite colors! i think keira knightley's dress is especially amazing.
i love all of the green clothes, it's one of my favorite colors! i think keira knightley's dress is especially amazing.
wow kiera looks amazing-
great post
:) i lovee muse. they have the dvd comming out on mar 17th- i'm sooo excited!you didn't go to wembley did you? cause i'd me mad insanely jealous.
Merci merci merci pour ton gentil commentaire
ça me fait plaisir de la part d'une blogeuse comme toi.
Ton blog est superbe et tu as du talent : tu es bilingue en plus !
j'essaie juste d'humaniser la mode en montrant des vrais gens et en racontant leurs histoire
mais c'est pas facile avec un slogan comme "la mode c'est pour les moutons, alors qu'avoir du style c'est avoir de la personnalité".
Si seulement tu voyais les journalistes et les blogeuses de mode me mépriser quand elles me croisent...
Vos visites, vos commentaires, vos liens sont mes seuls salaires ! lol
Si tu veux utiliser mes photos n'hésite pas. juste crédites-moi
je serai heureux d'échanger nos liens.
Si tu le veux, ecris mon blog comme ceci : STYLE AND THE CITY - PARIS
et toi, parles-moi de toi !
street style romancer à Paris
Oh, I wish my shoes were Marc Jacobs, they're actually a no name brand I picked up last year while I was studying in Japan.
I saw the movie yesterday and Keira's dress is fantastic!
oo green! a colour i shouild prob have more of...
that picture is stunning! i love it.
Love your blog! This is what I aspire to become...I'm so new to blogging it's pathetic. This is great, though. Plus, green is amazing.
oh, you're so right about pocahontas style!
when i was little i used to say i was indian 'pocahontas' =)
I hate when people say: this or this is the new color.
It's not that they leaving the spectrum, or do they??
ah, now that I kind of know what I'm doing..I'm linking you on my page! I don't know if I'm quite cool enough yet to be on your page....but let me know! haha --marilyn
Green can be so amazing ! It's not my favorite colour but it can work really well with some outfit.
bedankt voor de muziek tip - me like a lot &hearts&
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