That is me, mentionned in the latest N.E.E.T Magazine editor's note. I was a guest writer for the (supercalifracigalicous) online publication-magazine, reviewing Mooka Kinney's latest collection. (page 114)
Check it out!
December's starting on a very good note. SMIIIILE
29 commentaires:
Oooer! How exciting, I love N.E.E.T.
I am way to jealous of you now! Congratulations!!
oooh thats awesome youre famous! haha
oh wow!! Congrats! that must be very exciting :D
This is fantastic, B!
Very well written indeed, congrats.
I "rushed" over to your blog to let you know something that I thought might excite you as much as it has me..
..check to my blog.. look who has return from the dead!
I love you and all of your iced-out NEET magazine greatness
Wauw! Wish I were you, I'm very jalous of you right now. Haha, just kidding! It's an early Christmas present, you can say!!
And the site SneakerFreaker, is my daily Sneaker check site! As you can see the pictures in my post are from SneakerFreaker too!
Wow congrats to you
YAY BOKS you are so in on the fashion world! Greatly written article...I like the bit about Ana Ivanovic at the end where they mention your blog ;) ;)
So lucky! Congratulations!
congratulations again, you definitely deserved it
you are AMAZING. :)
Well done girlie! V. cool;)
It's awesome! Congratulations;)
félicitations ma belle :)
Ooo thats fantastic.
Congrats love,
Nice job! Your name looks good in articles =)
that's cool! congrats
OoOh NEET Magazine! That is indeed very awesome, congratulations!
you should be very proud!
and that is a fab cover too
wow that's amazing!!!
great job! I really like your article - and the ivanovic mention at the end :)
are you serbian by the way?
i read it!!! that is soo cool u were in NEET - i love that magazine :)
OMG you are so unbelievably lucky
oh, that is wonderful, doll!
i need to go out & find a copy now ;]
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