-First, how did you get started as a model?
I spend a lot of time on the Dutch Ellegirl forum. There are a lot of scouts there because of the beautiful young girls with model potential . One day somebody asked me if I could send them a few more pictures of myself. And after that they wanted me to come to Amsterdam to the agency.

- What do you dislike most about modeling?
The fake people and the industry can be very harsh to you.
-What do you do the most often : shows, photoshoots??
I do both. I prefer photoshoots though, because they're more creative. You can put your own personality in there most of the time.
But at shows you get a real adrenaline rush and that is also really cool.

-Would you like to pursue modeling for as long as possible or is it just a "side activity"
It wasn't my ambition to be a model, but because it went very well and I got signed with the international agency IMG I decided to start fulltime this year. After that I will definitely do some kind of study, something with fashion, probably styling.
-You really seem to dress "for yourself", not caring about trends and so on. Is it really that way?
Hmmm, I watch the trends, pick the ones I like and then make them fit to my own style and yes I dress for myself but also to make people look a little bit longer :P
-Where do you usually shop? Also, where would you never shop?
I shop everywhere, I like it to combine items from different shops. Back in the days I would wear a whole H&M outfit, but I don't want/like that any more. And I would shop everywhere, it gives me a kick to get a very cool item from I shop I don't really like.

-What is your favorite clothing item ever?
I think just a simple white t-shirt, always looks cool.
-Something you couldn't live without ?
My I-pod, I looooooove music!
-Your last buy? And the next one?
Black gladiator heels, grey ankle boots with silver studs and loafers with an embroidered pattern. And the next one would be a big coat à la Burberry Prorsum.

-What kind of comments do people make about your style?
That my outfits are well styled and that I look like a hippie.
-Favorite fashion designer?
There are sooo many designers I like. I like Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu, Prada, Luella and Burberry most of the time, cool, young and easy to wear. But there are a lot of designers from which I like a certain collection.
-Something you dream about having but can't afford
That Burberry coat again :P
-Most stylish city?
I went to Paris, Copenhagen, Berlin and Antwerp. But I think Paris is the most stylish. In some of the areas ALL people that you see are stylish and well dressed but on the other hand when people look bad dressed they REALLY look bad dressed. I find Copenhagen very refreshing and, Berlin is just very cool, I really feel comfortable there and in Antwerp I know my way very well.

-Something you'd never be caught dead in?
I hate synthetic clothes, clothes with big brandnames on them and everything that makes you look cheap.
-Favorite movie?
Again soo much, I watch a lot of movies. The German movie Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo, Pulp Fiction, Cold Mountain, The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Candy, Kill Bill and I find 50first dates a very cute comedy. I also like the classic horror movies like Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Oomen.
-What have you been listening to lately?
A lot of Alice in Chains and The Doors. And I think "Into the galaxy" from the Midnight Juggernauts is a very catchy and groovy song.
-What do you do in your free time?
Hang out with my friends, listen to music, going to festivals and concerts, party, do creative stuff, cook, watch movies and that's about it.