The OTT tutu is just wow, and Jenny's shoes....those Miu Miu platforms from last summer (and still covetable), and....Serena's ankle boots! I know thee pictures aren't exactly great as seen they're wearing stuff to keep them warm ( Blair Waldorf in UGGs ?? ) , but still, you get the idea...

ps : a semi-decent post is in preparation. Thanks for your patience!
12 commentaires:
Like the first picture, looks a bit like French women leaving a fashionshow and being photographed.
And those platforms are killin (high :P).
Soo stupid that Gossip Girl isn't on the telly (yet?) in the Netherlands. Why does fashionable tv always comes so late here and series like Dirt on top of the list...god I hate that serie! Exchange it for GG pleasssse, Net 5!:P
agreed. i hopped on the gossip girl train a bit late, but i'm eagerly looking forward to the next season.
the red/black combo on blair is especially killer. those boots..
I love the new pics, can't wait for the new episodes, and Blair's revenge. I think I read that they will be aired in april, so just a little more patience... Till then I can watch the old ones again. Pozdrav iz Srbije!
That tutu is beautiful! And I love Blair's red coat.
I adore Jenny's look. Those shoes and dress are killer!
I dont watch GG but gawd the clothes are amazing.
I know, I can't wait for gossip girl to be back on too! and all the clothes are great- sans blair's uggs...
yesss!!! april 23rd! its been way too long since ive seen my fave upper east siders :)
these outfits are making me so excited!
They look fantastic :D The first season hasn't finished here in Norway yet..
I am so fidgety for Gossip Girl to come back on. All these blog posts are feuling my addiction. And there's these insane spoilers out there that I cannot believe. CANNOT BELIEVE. Can't wait for April 21 to roll around.
desperately want the heels in the first photo.
Ohhhhh S's shoes are very purdy.
Although B is lookin just... well, lets just say a certin costume director needs a serious talking to
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