* Fatal Bazooka feat Yelle : Parle à ma main
so it would be too long to explain Fatal Bazooka... Shortly : One guy, super famous in France humourist, Mickael Youn, started making music, generally rap parodies/ comic songs. And he's great at it. Here's his new tune (yep that's him, dressed as a girl) with French It singer Yelle ((http://www.myspace.com/iloveyelle , known for her bubblegum-neon-spandex-rappish electro)
Hilarious (well if you understand french)
In the club, he is making fun of a new dance style called Tecktonik, born in France/Belgium. (the song is a remix of Yelle's " A cause des garçons" ) . Have a look :
And my (lame) attempt at Tecktonik hahaaaa. I know you cannot see a lot but hey. I actually call my style Tecktokrump. Yeaaah, whatever. :)
* Also... I can't wait for 8th November!!!
Eight november, as in, Roberto Cavalli for H&M. Definitely skipping classes.
The collection is just like I expected : Young, fun, tacky, slutty, super-shexxxy , opulent, decadent, GLAMOROUS ,well simply everything we love about Italian designers. Finally an H&M collaboration I'm excited about!

The only thing...while it may be more affordable than "real" Cavalli, it just still is too much for my pocket. (The long mettalic gown is the most expensive piece of the collection and, coincidence, just happens to be my favorite. 300€...SIGH).
* And to end, A blog you NEED to check, for celebrities red carpet outfits. Awesome!
That's all
28 commentaires:
that brown shiny dress (that you arrowed) is like something kate hudson wore a while back. except that it has a neckthingy and its brown.
yeahhhh you know me well, Bojana, I do love a bit of Yelle!
Ha, your take on the dance is great. Very Beyonce on pills!
I only have one class on thurday, so I think I will follow your lead and check out Cavalli's line. I have to admit, I usually see him as the slaaaag of the fashion industy, but maybe thats becoming a good thing. Some of the pieces from the H and M collection look tres intriguing..
♥ the header btw
Cavalli will be bringing sexy back to H&M. Time to celebrate, by spending money!
skipping classes?
you and me both ;)
It's Mother I'd Like to Fuck.
So for example, Dina Lohan is not a MILF, but Angelina certainly is.
another occasion where i wish i could speak french...
Thank you! I try to learn Yelle's A Cause De Garcons, but my pitiable French failed me. She looks so cute though..
oh, thank you darling.
i love your blog as well :]
& am also tres tres excited about the latest H&M collaboration.
hmm... i really like the collection, especially that mini gold number is an eyecatcher, but the practicality is a tad bit lacking I think...
i watched the first video and my head just about exploded.
linking you too!
thanks for checking out my blog! im loving yours!
hahaha the dance was really entertaining. love the little voice dialouge you added in there too- that is you right? i love the new header- i need to get working on my new one.
I love Yelle and especially their spectaculair Reebok sneakers <3! And too bad that I have a long day full of classes and it takes like forever to travel to a H&M who sells Cavalli :(
i wish there was an h&m by my city but there's not so i'm going to have to do something illegal to get my hands on some cavalli
Young, fun, tacky, slutty, decadent, glam . . . You have described Cavalli perfectly! My fave piece were the leopard thights, the perfect detail to Cavalli up a boring black dress. Loved all the vids, crazy good.
Young, fun, tacky, slutty, decadent, glam . . . You have described Cavalli perfectly! My fave piece were the leopard thights, the perfect detail to Cavalli up a boring black dress. Loved all the vids, crazy good.
I think people generally have snobbery about Roberto
like he is a real designer
But i think most of his clothes are fun
Cavalli's line for h&m is so great. Now, if only i can get my hands on a dress before they all sell out...
ok "parle a ma main" is HILARIOUS! i loved yelle, so i watched one of her other videos, i forget the title but it was something along the lines of her wanting to watch a guy in a pornographic film hahahha
ohhh man roberto cavalli is my FAVORITE designer!!! but i dont have H&M where i live grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I love Yelle. She has the best hair.
And yes, I do like changeeee. Change is good!
and third times a charm! (in hebrew you say third time you get the ice cream but eh.)
Today's 8th november =)
Wish we had H&m here =/. I'm so jealous. If you buy something, make sure you show us some pictures =D=D=D, pretty please? =P
mwah ♥
oh how i wish i could speak french fluently - im just now learning! its such a pretty, romantic language!
i love your blog SOOOOOO much! i'm so happy i found it! do you mind if we trade links?
keep up the great work!
Those dresses are HOT.
God...so I went to 3 H&Ms afterschool, and all the Cavalli shiz was sold out! The sales people told me that there were lines stretching around the block for the store to open and lotsa crazy bitches bitching over leopard prints. Sigh, I was hoping to snag that nice black trench. Lesson learnt: Truancy = Cavalli on the cheap.
I don't really like him, he is so pretentious...and his clothes are so obvious
ehhhh the only h and m near me is in the city... so i didn't end up going in.... plus i hate the mad rush at those h &m openings!
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